Not to say that yesterday was a bad day at Gnomedex, but the content today was truly outstanding. Though a bit complicated to grasp right away, the open money presentation given by Michael Linton was compelling. Following that presentation was a series of very interesting short presentations delivered by Ignite Seattle MVPs focusing on topics ranging from Internet Art to not being bored.
After Lunch, Gregg Spiridellis (the Jib in JibJab) gave an informative presentation about monetizing the long tail of media in the “post-hit” era. It was truly awesome to learn the lessons that the JibJab brothers learned the hard way over the last decade. JibJab makes an excellent case study in how to run a flexible business, how to operate on little capitol, how to invent and reinvent business plans, how to identify and capitalize on opportunity, and more.
In the early afternoon, Derek Miller joined us from Canada via videoconference. Derek is a regular Gnomedex attendee also known for crafting the Gnomedex theme song each year. Derek was diagnosed with Cancer since last Gnomedex and has been blogging his experiences. He popped in to share those experiences and was very humorous and upbeat. His story and is attitude are inspiring and I look forward to his presence again, in person, at a future Gnomedex.