Camping with CrapMonkey

Below is a brief, plot-less video from our last Camping Trip at the Cle Elum River. It’s only a 90 minute drive from Seattle, but when you’re out there, it’s like you’re in an entirely different world. Pictures from this trip (including our jaunts into Roslyn and Ronald) are also available on Flickr.

Crypticon Seattle 2009

Crypticon Seattle 2009 was this weekend so Wendy and I stopped by to experience the horror. It was a great event and the horror community in Seattle are a great group of folks. Some highlights from the event are as follows: First of all, there is Night Zero. Night Zero is a photographic novel based in Seattle that is created with high dynamic range photography. Next, there were plenty of horror film greats ranging from Ken Foree (Dawn of the Dead and my favorite From Beyond) to Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes, Weird Science). Panels focused on films like Phantasm and The Fog, but the crew from Field of Screams, Washington’s premiere haunted attraction, were also on hand to expose their world of haunting. Finally, evening events such as a completely improvised horror movie and the Crypticon Costume Contest made nightfall more fun than creepy. Want to see more? Click in the space below to play the highlights video (requires Microsoft Silverlight).

Thanks to The Kits (Horror Movie) and If Else Then (Emeryville Horror) for the songs used in this video (sourced from the Podsafe Music Network).

Tin Hat All Girl Arm Wrestle 2008

This year’s all girl arm wrestling tournament to benefit Home Alive took place on Monday evening, September 15th at the Tin Hat in Ballard.  This event is fun filled and loaded with… well, whatever is the female version of testosterone.  Sponsored by Tin Hat and PBR, the event is a Ballard favorite that just wrapped up its fourth year running.  Watch this year’s festivities below or check out last year’s event here.

Everybody Loves Spam!

SpamThanks to rising oil prices and increased costs of food, many folks are feeling the squeeze in their grocery budgets.  As such, Spam had over a 14% increase in sales this quarter as people look for cheaper ways to feed their families.  Spam, of course, is also the product credited for the slang term used to reference junk email.  The name resonated with people after a Monte Python sketch referenced the product over a hundred times. 

If I Had A Buttrock Brewery

Buttrock BeersWendy and I have always thought it would be cool to open a buttrock brewery.  While we may never actually achieve the goal, we do find it fun to dream up the kind of beers we would have on tap. 

Perhaps one day we will achieve our dream, but until then, here are a few of our ideas:

Hef Leppard
Iron Marzen
Motley Brue
Van Weizen, StrIPA
Great Witte
Sabastian Bock

Do you have any others?  Leave your buttrock beer styles in the comments!QueensRye


CrapMonkey Gets a Pedicure

Pedicure Today, for the first time ever, I found myself getting a Pedicure.  Wendy talked me into it since, technically, we are on vacation (though we haven’t yet left the neighborhood).  Honestly, I’m not sure why I waited so long to get one of these.  You sit in an electric massage chair with your feet in a jetted foot spa.  There is some kind of mixture in the foot spa that makes the water blue and comforting (hopefully it wasn’t a Tidy Bowl Tablet!). After they trim up and file your toe nails, they scrub your feet and massage them.  Next, they lotion your feet and calves, rub the lotion in, and dry you off.  It must have taken about 30 to 40 minutes total and was quite relaxing.  Aside from Rachael Ray and Oprah on the television, it was a great experience.  For around $20 total out of pocket, it sure beats getting your hair cut. 

Welcome to 2008!

Fling Poop

The Chinese would say that 2008 is the year of the Rat.  Here in Seattle, 2008 is going to be the year of the CrapMonkey.  Thanks for all of your support over the years and apologies for my limited and sporadic publishing as of late.  We’ll get back into the swing of things soon.  Hope your holidays were great and have a wonderful new year!  Thanks to Pete for the artwork!

Cool Error Message

I just wanted to share this error message I received on my machine today.  I don’t even recall what threw the error, but I love the way it’s worded.  I wasn’t trying to destroy anything at the time…



Women's Arm Wrestling at The Tin Hat

On Monday night, the Tin Hat Bar and Grill in Ballard held a women’s arm wrestling tournament.  The proceeds went to benefit Home Alive, a Seattle based non-profit that offers affordable self-defense classes.  It was a great evening of beers and cheers in the name of a good cause.  Enjoy the video of the festivities below.  There are also some great photos of the event in Matt Harjo’s Flickr set.

Beware of What Your Zune is Telling People

Zune owners know that there is a terrific community aspect enabled by the device’s wireless features. However, be cautious of how you configure your Zune in the Settings menu.  There is an option to set the level of detail your Zune broadcasts to other Zunes to either “basic” (which essentially just announces your presence) or “detailed.”  The level of detail in the latter mode really made me a bit uncomfortable, so I wanted to make sure that Zune owners were warned about the risk to privacy.  See below for an example of what I’m talking about:

Zune screen set to “basic”         Zune Screen set to “detailed”    CrapMonkey Zune 

Don’t say you haven’t been been warned!

Sales Stupidity – please provide us with additional losses!

A friend of ours (who shall remain nameless) is delinquent on a purchase of a $24 item sold by the Heritage Family Library and has been for over one year.  In fact, the 12th notification reads as follows:
“We are writing to you AGAIN concerning the unpaid balance for the YOUNG PEOPLES ATLAS that was shipped to you one year ago.  Although we have repeatedly requested that you send your payment, it has not been received as of today’s date.
Your delinquent account is in the Credit Department for full collection processing.
To avoid this action, include your invoice with your check in the pre-addressed envelope, and mail it today.  Make a full payment today to avoid collection agency referral.”
Don’t worry, we are going to see that the bill gets paid.  What we found particularly humerous though was that they stuffed the collection letter with advertisements for additional products (see photos below)!  As if they decided they haven’t quite lost enough money on this customer as of yet.  With business practices like that, I have trouble feeling too sorry for their situation.