Top Five Twitter Faux Pas

Keyboard GuyIn face-to-face conversations, sometimes our thoughts get ahead of us and things come out wrong.  In the Twitterverse, there are even more ways to trip over yourself and convey the wrong message.  However, Twitter has the added feature of archiving that stumble for generations to come.  Following are the top five ways to flub with Twitter:

  • The Gatling Tweet:  This is when Twitter is flaking out and your updates fail to update, so you continue to re-type your check in, only to have it continually fail to update.  Eventually, the site comes back to health and all of your Twitter updates rattle off one after another like a Gatling Gun -spamming Twitter with a comment that was barely worth reading the first time. 
  • The Forgotten Follower:  Once you are being followed by a decent number of people, it can be hard to keep track of the folks from your virtual posse that transcend into your real world (at least until you make a Tweet you regret): 
    • CrapMonkey is Twittering: Skipped out of work to have a beer and a shot of Jameson at the Pub.  Expensing as a “business meeting” of course.
    • (Sudden relization that the boss is a Follower)
    • CrapMonkey is Twittering: @BossMan – I was just kidding, (LOL), I’m actually filling out that TPS report I promised you.
  • The Roaming Cursor:  Let’s face it, cursors tend to roam around the browser sometimes.  Nothing worse than typing in the address of your next destination only to find that your cursor was in the Twitter Update field.
    •  CrapMonkey is Twittering: 
  • The Drunken Tweet: This one needs little explanation, but after a few too many – one should probably steer clear of Twitter.  Twitter is taking the drunken booty call public in a big way:
    •  CrapMonkey is Twittering: @hotmamma – I’m gonna come over and get my lovin’ on – yeah… I don’t care who knows it!
  • The Truncated Tweet:  We’ve all had to train ourselves in the ways of brevity, but let’s face it, sometimes we stumble and Twitter is unforgiving.  When the 140 character limit is exceeded, you can do little more than hope the part that made it conveyed your message appropriately.
    • CrapMonkey is Twittering:  I have got to say, I’ve known jenny for a long time and work out with her at the Gym all the time. I can’t wait to be invited into her Association of Fitness Instructors.

These are my top 5 Twitter faux pas, do you have any others?  Leave them in the comments.

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