POC #13: Brouwers Bigwood Festival

BrouwersBrouwers Cafe in Fremont is in full swing with their Bigwood Festival.  Over 40 excellent beers that have been conditioned in wood make this festival a must attend event.  The beers were rolled out Thursday night and will continue until supplies run out – so get there sooner than later. 

In this Piece of Crap, we are hanging out at Brouwers and enjoying some fine beers conditioned in bourbon barrels.  We also chat with manager and bartender, Chris Cavanaugh, to find out a little more about the Bigwood Festival, bourbon, and the Brouwers Cafe in general. 

Also, don’t forget, tonight is the last night of the Washington Winter Beer Festival.  Given that it is being held at Hales Brewery, only a stones throw from Brouwers, this could be the night to check them both out.

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